Hard Black Crystal Shard & Sharp Black Crystal Shard

Item Usage: These are the “upgraded” versions of their respective black stones, quite more expensive and hard to find. A Sharp can go up to 4 million per piece, while Hards hover around 1 million silver.

You heat them together with black stones through Processing, in order to make Concentrated Magical Black Stones (see below).

How to Obtain: These are tricky to grind, and apart from attendance rewards and special events, your only chance at getting them is through Gathering. That’s right! When you are gathering anything, you have a very very small chance of dropping either a “Hard” or a “Sharp” Black Crystal Shard.

The exact drop rates are hard to pinpoint, but they hover around 0.25% for Hards, and 0.1% for Sharps, through any means of gathering (butchering, tanning, mining etc.).

It’s rumored that Farming (pruning & killing pests), has an even bigger drop rate, due to the limited number of actions you can take compared to gathering.

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